Classroom Pictures

Intense puzzling.

 A student's drawing of me.

An owl on a whiteboard. (This picture doesn't do it justice; it was dazzling in real life.)

My new absentee system based on Sarah Hagen's

Science department computer cart on loan for our Orienteering Distance Project in Geometry

Foxy Fives

Getting creative with the Tangrams

 Day 8: The Master Ninja Wall after the first Learning Check.

Day 7: The Master Ninja Wall before it gets filled up.
(SBG rubric stolen shamelessly from Dan Bowdoin.)

Day 6: The time I left school today (7pm). I also get to school at 7am.

Day 5: Tangrams in Geometry! 
Here a student made up one - I think she said it was like a shutter on a camera.

Day 4: A solution to one of the geometry whiteboarding problems on points, lines, and planes.

 Day 3: My puzzle shelf after three days of use.


 Day 2: 8th graders' estimates of how many handshakes take place between 9 Supreme Court justices. (See post here.)


Day 1: My classroom in its pristine state

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