Links by Topic

Middle School and Pre-Algebra

Elizabeth Stafford's thoughts on teaching the concept of substitution

Tina Cardone's dilating a comic activity

David Cox's farming project

Leslie Lewis' Wheel of Theodorus (intro to radical numbers)

Fawn Nguyen's fraction division using rectangles  

Fawn Nguyen's Foxy Fives activity for order of operations that is also good for practicing number sense 

Daniel Schneider's post on models for and problems related to integer operations 
Fawn Nguyen's post showing another model for integer operations - good buy/bad guy 

Fawn Nguyen's maximizing the volume of a box lesson

Fawn Nguyen's lesson on lateral surfaces and more

Don Steward's post on looking at different nets for the same solid 

Algebra 1

Graphing Stories

Introducing Linear Equations - Barbie Bungee Jump
Fawn Nguyen   
Matt Vaudrey
Julie Reulbach

Christopher Danielson's Oreo Extravaganza (systems of linear equations)

Fawn Nguyen's picture frame activity on quadratics

National Stem Centre's activity for Interpreting Algebraic Expressions - great matching game, great for getting kids to see how algebraic expressions can be represented in multiple ways

Fawn Nguyen's first day activity on patterns for algebra 

James Tanton's courses and lessons on quadratics


Fawn Nguyen's activity on similar triangles and mini golf

Nat Banting's Trigonometric Mini Golf
Kate Nowak's activity on finding the degree measure of one angle in any regular polygon 

Leslie Lewis' instructions on how to build 40 different polyhedra 

William Emeny's lesson on volume of a sphere using volume or air in your lungs 

Andrew Stadel's surface area of spheres using whiffle balls and pennies

Nathan Kraft's volume of a sphere Three-Act using soccer balls

Dan Meyer's Pyramid of Pennies Three-Act

Nathan Kraft's approximating the area of an eggo (or circle)

Tina Cardone's Conic Unit:
The Curves
Photo Project

Fawn Nguyen's Area of a Circle lesson

Fawn Nguyen's activity using bubbles to find pi Part 1
Part 2

Faw Nguyen's outdoor geometry project, using Geometer's Sketchpad

Fawn Nguyen's implementation of the Best Equilateral Triangle activity

Fawn Nguyen's implementation of Dan Meyer's Taco Cart

Don Stewart's Complete the Quadrilateral activity
and Fawn Nguyen's post and worksheet on it

Fawn Nguyen's posts on three geometry lessons: Congruent Halves, Classifying Polygons using Venn Diagrams, and the Congruent Postulates of Triangles

Kate Nowak's problem involving quadrilaterals and a proof

The Shadow Problem - solving triangles

Fawn Nguyen's dissecting polygons lesson

Fawn Nguyen's activity where one student describes a geometric drawing to another 

Fawn Nguyen's areas of circles and patterns lesson

Fawn Nguyen's Investigating Area with Paper Folding

Triangle problem by Five Triangles 

Algebra 2

Michael Pershan's Algebra 2 Blog

Jonathon Claydon's Algebra 2 Resources 

Bob Lochel's Binomial Theorem Jigsaw activity


Sam Shah's post on Moore's Law photo essay

Sam Shah's exponential function unit

Sam Shah's Supreme Court example involving exponential growth

Sam Shah's paper folding exercise
and Rebecka Peterson's worksheet for it

Tina Cardone's student-driven lesson on exponentials in context

Michael Pershan's lesson on visual exponential patterns

Dan Meyer's Three-Act task Domino Skyscraper

Dan Meyer's Three-Act task Fry's Bank (annual interest)


Sam Shah's origin on life example

Kate Nowak's worksheets for learning(discovering) log laws

Kate Nowak's introduction to logs

Kate Nowak's three-day lesson on exponential growth and credit cards

Illumination's slide rule activity

Rebecka Peterson's key to remembering how to convert from log to exponential form

Composition of Functions and Inverses

Sam Shah's break-down of compositions and inverses

Illumination's composition of functions lesson plan and worksheet (successive discounts)


Jonathan Krogen's  Pre-Calculus Resources

Review Games

Bob Lochel's Secret Phrase Scavenger Hunt

Toys, Games, Puzzles

Exploratorium's instructions on building a 3D 12-pointed star and a stellated rhombic dodecahedron

Penrose puzzle

Georgia Seitz's tatting and crocheting the hyperbolic plane

Number theory tricks 

Fawn Nguyen's Math Taboo Game (good for practicing vocabulary)

Fawn Nguyen's version of The Block Game

Other Cool Things

Wind Map

Perpetual Ocean

Information design visualizations

Jason Davies' data visualization

Stephen Von Worley's Dancing Prime Factors 

Jonathon Claydon's sidewalk chalk graphing


Tasks and Lessons

Shell Center tasks and assessments

Yummy Math lessons

Mathalicious real-world problems

Illustrative Mathematics' lessons by standard

Dan Meyer's Three-Act math tasks

Mr. Robinson's Three-Act math tasks

Andrew Stadel's Three-Act math tasks

Timon Puccini's Three-Act math tasks and links to others

Robert Kaplinsky's math tasks and lessons


Balanced Assessment

Julia Robinson's math problems (Math Festival Activities)

Inside Mathematics' Problem of the Month 

Steve Miller's Math Riddles 

Middle School Math Problems by Five Triangles

Michael Pershan's analysis of math mistakes

101 Questions

Visual Patterns


Daily Desmos (graphing challenge)

Famous Mathematicians and Their Theorems

Other Online Filing Cabinets
Sam Shah's original Virtual Filing Cabinet

Sandra Miller's virtual filing cabinet

Julie Reulbach's list of online filing cabinets

General Resources


Collection of thoughts on what makes a classroom work

Daniel Schneider's resources for new teachers

Kate Nowak's collection of links


Global Math Department (online conference every Tues night)

Infinite Tangents podcast

Annenberg Learner free courses for teachers  (can also be used for students)

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