Sunday, August 25, 2013

Tomatoes Galore

Every day on the way to and from work I drive by a tomato crop field. It's a anomaly in the midst of corn and soybean fields. This past week it has been harvested, and sitting near the road are trailers full of tomatoes. I am so curious about these trailers. How many tomatoes do they hold? How many tomatoes did they get off the land? How much money are they worth? How heavy are those trucks when loaded with tomatoes? Where do they get delivered? Today I followed one of the trucks along the highway briefly, and got this picture from the back. The company is called Paarlberg Tomatoes. You can't tell how long the trailer is, so it's hard to get a good sense of how many tomatoes are in the truck, but it's about the size of a semi in length. I wish I could find out more about this operation, and see if I could get my kids involved in an investigation of some of my - and maybe their - questions.

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